• Welcome,      

"Unilateral Release System", let you introduce new members without any worries.

When you encounter that you have first-generation team members who are unable / have no interest in referring their first-generation members. Relax! We have a very simple solution for that, we call it a "Unilateral Release System".

Example: Your first generation member "Z" is unable / have no interest in referring his first generation member. In this case, you can unilaterally fill out the [Unilateral Release] Form to request the release of "Z" from your Sharing System.

Within 7 days of receiving your application, "Z" will be transferred from your sharing system directly to BETTER's sharing system. Then, you can re-refer the first-generation team members that you lack of.

After "Z" is transferred, all benefits of "Z" will remain unchange. "Z" can still purchase BETTER products at the member price. When "Z" buys more than RM333 of BETTER products in a quarter, BETTER will still pay "Z" the commission for that quarter and give him an e-Voucher worth RM 88.00.

The purpose of establishing the "System of Unilateral Release" :

i) Avoid disputes or unpleasantness between you and your first-generation members.

ii) You can introduce BETTER to all your family members and friends without any worries.

iii) Make sure that the first generation members you refer, are all members who are capable to refer their own first-generation new members.

Rules of "Unilateral Release System" :

i) You can request to dissolve your relationship with your first generation member without any reason.

ii) You can only dissolve your relationship with your first generation group members.

iii) For all members who have been dissolved, all their rights and interests will remain unchanged.



BETTER practices a "TRY BEFORE BUYING" strategy in the process of introducing new team members.

Invite your friends and family to read about BETTER products and Thank You Plan, and encourage he/she to try the product. Let him/her to decide whether the product is suitable for him/her, and whether to join BETTER as a member.

"DO NOT FORCE your family or friends to join BETTER" is a very important point to note. Introducing a team member who is not actually interested in BETTER products and only makes a one-off purchase will not only affect your Sharing Rewards but also take up a slot in your 3 person first generation. Therefore delay you from earning the possible Sharing Rewards from your Sharing System.

BETTER hopes that every time when member using BETTER skin care products, they will feel happy and satisfied. At the same time, we also hope that members can continuously earning Sharing Rewards from BETTER's Thank You plan, and then helping them to promote their quality of life.